Pinal County Criminal Speeding Attorney

Last Modified: September 29, 2023

Criminal Speeding Attorney in Pinal County

While most of us probably think of a speeding ticket as nothing more than a slap on the wrist, a criminal speeding ticket can be a lot worse than you may think. In Pinal County Arizona, a criminal speeding ticket can be issued for anyone going 20 miles per hour or more over the speed limit. A criminal ticket can also be issued when you are traveling faster than 85 miles per hour, regardless of the speed limit. Since excessive speeding can be a misdemeanor crime, speeding laws in Pinal County Arizona should be taken very seriously.

The majority of speeding tickets in Pinal County are civil violations and carry less severe consequences. Criminal speeding tickets can be issued in a number of cases including:

  • When your speed exceeds 85 miles per hour
  • When your speed exceeds 45 miles per hour in a residential area where no speed limit is posted
  • When your speed exceeds 35 miles per hour in a school zone.

When you're pulled over for excessive speeding, you could be facing criminal speeding charges. It can affect your ability to drive and if it's not your first time getting a criminal speeding ticket, you could face even more severe penalties.

A criminal speeding charge in Arizona can bring 30 days of jail time and includes up to $500 in fines. Additionally, if you are arrested at the traffic stop, you will have to pay to get your car back. A criminal speeding offense is 3 counts on your license. If you exceed 13 points in a year, your license can be suspended. Aside from the penalties, a criminal speeding charge can also affect your insurance premiums and continue costing you money years down the road.

When faced with a criminal speeding charge, a Pinal County defense attorney with experience in traffic law at your side can mean the difference between being charged and serving jail time, or simply being ordered to attend traffic school. The Lawyers at Canyon State Law in Pinal County, Arizona are ready to fight for you and help protect your driving rights.

Schedule a legal consultation with our Pinal County Criminal Defense Lawyers today!

Canyon State Law in Pinal County

3281 N Hunt Hwy Suite 111-C Florence AZ 85132

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